Atlantis-Scout          Contents Overview          Inhaltsübersicht

Series of Greek Atlantis Conferences

organized by the Greek scientists
M. Fytikas, A. Kontaratos (†2009), St. Papamarinopoulos
under the official title

The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land
International Conference

2005 on Milos / 2008 in Athens / 2011 on Santorini


Use e.g. GoogleTranslate to translate reports into English!

3rd Conference 2011 on Santorini

Official Conference Homepage 2011:

Reports of the conference:
Michael Hübner:
       (PDF, German only)
Dieter Bremer:
       Atlantiskonferenzen July 11, 2011.
       (html, German only)
(Further reports will be inserted here, when available.)

Thorwald C. Franke:
Did not attend the conference in 2011.

Thanks for the following pictures go to Jonas Bergman!

2nd Conference 2008 in Athens

Official Conference Homepage 2008:

Reports of the conference (PDF):

Thorwald C. Franke on this conference:
Lookup on this page for more information.

1st Conference 2005 on Milos

Official Conference Homepage 2005:

On the Conference 2005:
Erika Notti IULM:
Report from the Atlantis Conference 2005
(PDF, Italian only).
Prof. Pavlidis:
"We're not trying to establish whether Atlantis existed or not, or to agree on a definite location,
which would be presumptuous for a tale that has existed for over 2,500 years."
Schoppe & Schoppe:
Review of the conference 2005 with many pictures.

Thorwald C. Franke:
Did not attend the conference in 2005.

        Contents Overview        Inhaltsübersicht
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